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Guidelines for music festival event organisers: music festival harm reduction - December 2019

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By ERNA O’CONNER   |   Dec 17, 2019

230 Views   |   18 Comments

I feel as though a lot of people who read my articles are under the impression that I am suggesting eventually someone is going to come into their life and every puzzle piece will simply pop into place. Doves will fly out from behind you, a chorus will follow you around on every date, you will find a bag with 10 million dollars in the street, which you will use to move to Pleasantville, USA.

You need mutual respect, compromise, sacrifice, understanding, the willingness to work at it and stand by him or her when times get rough. You need to be willing to be by their side not only during the bright days but also during the dark ones that Love is not all you need.

You need mutual respect, compromise, sacrifice, understanding, the willingness to work at it and stand by him or her when times get rough. You need to be willing to be by their side not only during the bright days but also during the dark ones that Love is not all you need.

None of them will tell you that they will stay together forever because it’s easy. None of them will tell you that they pledged their life.

You are committing to someone’s whole self. You are not just committing to them under the condition that they stay young and beautiful — because they will not. And neither will you. You are not just committing to them until someone better comes along while neither they nor your relationship is perfect.

tags: festival music event

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By ERNA O’CONNER   |   Dec 17, 2019

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